Cultural Detail
4 is a sacred number
4 approaching gods
4 calls made
4th call the gods appeared
8 and 12 multiples of 4
Buckskin is sacred
Source that created life. It was what they used to create
Wind was creator of life
Represents breathing
Had sacred colors
Yellow and White
Corn major crop
People came from corn
Eagle and deer sacred
Used to create life
17 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi
The Navajo Origin Legend Cultural Detail Chart
Act II Reading Questions (The Crucible)
1. What is the setting of Act II?
8 days after the cry-out in the common room of Proctor's house.
2. What specific thing does Elizabeth want John to do about the witch trials and why does he refuse to do it (what is his reason)? Why does Elizabeth think he refuses?
She wants him to expose Abigail. He refuses because he thinks no one will believe him. She thinks that he is protecting Abigail.
3.Why does Elizabeth think John need to visit Abigail? Why does he become angry? Why does Elizabeth thinks he becomes angry?
To establish that he was never in love with Abigail. Proctor worries about the lack of trust that Elizabeth has for him. He feels that it is unnecessary and Elizabeth still thinks he is protecting Abigail.
4. What surprising information does Mary Warren bring the Proctors about the trial?
39 people were put in jail, Osborn will be hung and Elizabeth's name was mentioned in the court. Also that she has become an official of the court.
5. How does Mary Warren's new position in the court give her leverage over the Proctors?
They don't have any control over Mary's actions.
6. What gift does Mary Warren give Elizabeth and how does Abigail use it to get Elizabeth into trouble?
Mary gives a poppet (doll) to Elizabeth. Abigail falls sick at dinner table and she has a needle stuck to her stomach like the poppet did. Cheever comes to take Proctor of having a poppet and finds a needle inside it which is what Abigail said they would find. She knew about the poppet because she saw Mary making it at the court.
7. Why is Rev. Hale out visiting people? What is the significance of the visits (what do the imply)?Why does he come home to visit the Proctors? What questions does he ask?
Hale wants to speak to everyone whose name was mentioned because they might be involved in witchcraft. He visits Proctors because Elizabeth's name was mentioned. His questions were toward the indication of finding out if they were good Christians.
8. During his visit what does Hale learn about the Proctors; which one seems to disturb him the most?
8 days after the cry-out in the common room of Proctor's house.
2. What specific thing does Elizabeth want John to do about the witch trials and why does he refuse to do it (what is his reason)? Why does Elizabeth think he refuses?
She wants him to expose Abigail. He refuses because he thinks no one will believe him. She thinks that he is protecting Abigail.
3.Why does Elizabeth think John need to visit Abigail? Why does he become angry? Why does Elizabeth thinks he becomes angry?
To establish that he was never in love with Abigail. Proctor worries about the lack of trust that Elizabeth has for him. He feels that it is unnecessary and Elizabeth still thinks he is protecting Abigail.
4. What surprising information does Mary Warren bring the Proctors about the trial?
39 people were put in jail, Osborn will be hung and Elizabeth's name was mentioned in the court. Also that she has become an official of the court.
5. How does Mary Warren's new position in the court give her leverage over the Proctors?
They don't have any control over Mary's actions.
6. What gift does Mary Warren give Elizabeth and how does Abigail use it to get Elizabeth into trouble?
Mary gives a poppet (doll) to Elizabeth. Abigail falls sick at dinner table and she has a needle stuck to her stomach like the poppet did. Cheever comes to take Proctor of having a poppet and finds a needle inside it which is what Abigail said they would find. She knew about the poppet because she saw Mary making it at the court.
7. Why is Rev. Hale out visiting people? What is the significance of the visits (what do the imply)?Why does he come home to visit the Proctors? What questions does he ask?
Hale wants to speak to everyone whose name was mentioned because they might be involved in witchcraft. He visits Proctors because Elizabeth's name was mentioned. His questions were toward the indication of finding out if they were good Christians.
8. During his visit what does Hale learn about the Proctors; which one seems to disturb him the most?
- Proctor can't recite the commandments.
- One of their kids isn't baptized.
- They tend to miss church a lot.
- They didn't believe in witchcraft
9. Who brings news of new arrests? Who has been arrested? Of what has each person been accused?
Giles Corey and Francis Nurse.
Rebecca Nurse- murder of Putnams' children
Martha Corey- supernatural murder of Walcotts' pigs
10. What does John Proctor mean by the statement, "We are only what we always were but naked now."?
They are exposed in their intentions.
Act One Reading Questions (The Crucible)
1. Who is the author of The Crucible?
Arthur Miller
2. What is the setting?
Salem, spring 1682, Parris' house
Arthur Miller
2. What is the setting?
Salem, spring 1682, Parris' house
3. What was the religion of the people in the play?
4. Why is Reverend Parris praying at the opening of the play?
Betty won't wake up
5. What was wrong with Betty Parris?
She was laying on the ground motionless. She woke up and tried to fly.
6. Name four of the girls involved in witchcraft.
Abigail, Betty, Ruth Putnam, Mary Warren, Mercy Lewis
7. What secret does John Proctor have?
He had an affair with Abigail
8. Who danced naked in the woods?
Mercy Lewis
9. Who drank blood? Why?
Abigail to kill Elizabeth Proctor
10. Who keeps suggesting that the problem with the girls involve witchcraft?
11. Who changed his or her mind about Rev. Parris saying that he was made of iron?
Giles Corey
12. What did Giles Corey ask Rev. Hale about his wife?
What the nature of the books she reads was.
13. What was Abigail's original story when she was questioned about Tituba and the night before?
Only dancing.
14. Who is Ruth?
Putnams' daughter who sleepwalks.
15. Which two men got in an argument over land?
Putnam and Proctor
16. Which girl said she did not participate but only watched the others?
Mary Warren
17. Which girl is the Putnam's maid?
Mercy Lewis
18. Who said he was going to find the party against Parris and join it?
19. Who was the first person to admit working for the devil? Why did she admit it?
Tituba because she doesn't want to die.
20. Name 3 people who said they had seen people with the devil at the end of Act I.
Betty, Abigail, Tituba
The Crucible

This is a video that goes over the main points of the play "The Crucible."
There are visuals to help understand the content of the play.
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